The Next New Thing

As we all know, the definition of new media is keep changing. we don’t know when and what will be the new media in future. Let’s take a guess what will be the next new media!

I guest it will be something like a combination of Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and Wikis, but it will provide the users with their own interest which they can automatically receive and send creditable information. and the can collaborated whoever they feel like to interacted with. and more over, they can creative manage what they can based own their mind but not based on their technical knowledge.

But I don’t know if that’s going to happen or not.!!

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Wiki So Far

My task on wiki is on the topic of Web Design

I have not started yet.. but I know there are new ways to design our own websites. and it’s much more easier for most of the people who didn’t really know who it works.

my goal on this topic is to find use the new web design tools to help people with limited knowledge of web design to design their dream websites.

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P2P is the abbreviation of  peer-to-peer,  the P2P technology can be understood as the meaning of the partners, partner, or as peer networking, P2P can be understood as a point-to-point, person to person.
In Internet applications, P2P is a technology, but also an idea, P2P is a change in the thinking of the entire Internet-based potential. P2P software makes communication easier, more direct sharing and interaction, and eliminate the intermediate links on the Internet. P2P is directly connected to the other user’s computer for file exchange, rather than have to connect to the server to browse and download.

there are several software is using P2P such as BitTorrent like it is mentioned in article “The BitTorrent Effect by Clive Thompson” is enhence human ability of sharing.

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Advice to Baruch College

Baruch is known for its business major especially for the Accounting Major. Since Baruch focus so much on business majors, students who are studying non-business major that may feel they are being ignored.

And 99% of the people in Baruch feel like, the school is good value but it’s too crowd and the elevators and escalators are a mess. Baruch should have more space for students. And right now, maybe due to the tight budget that Baruch have,  Baruch move us into bigger and bigger classroom, but some courses like programming,  I believe it’s not possible for a professor to teach more than 20 students at a time in a programming course!

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New media is a new form of communication that uses Internet such as blogs and social network sites. Although new media is providing an exciting and convenient platform for us to meet and connect with each other, it has also presented an issue with the lack of privacy and confidentiality. To most people, the lack of privacy can be devastating. There is always the feeling of insecurity associated with it. For example, the social network site, Facebook provides an easy access to viewing a person’s profile page, this can troublesome to some people who are concerned about who is viewing their profiles. There are many instances where the employer of a company uses Facebook to evaluate their potential employees. Facebook has been improving their privacy problem, but the problem can only be prevented, it can never be eliminated. To some people, the lack of privacy and confidentiality of the new media helps them to achieve fame or recognition. The entertaining site, Youtube provides a stage for almost everyone who is willing to show their talents to the public. A classic example is how Justin Bieber achieves his fame. Whether a person is recognized for their talents or criticized by the public, they will always have our attention when they embrace the lack of privacy and confidentiality in the world of Internet.

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Creativity and New Media

Recently, I found the Facebook Timeline, the latest feature that was introduced in the recent Facebook Conference.

It gives users more flexibility and creativity to view their status updates in a list sorted by time, hence the name. With this new feature called Timeline Cover, Facebook comes out a new idea of introducing people themselves through graphic other than profile photo.

Here are some snapshots from the internet that I found really interesting.ImageImageImageImageImage

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New Media have stimulated creativity throughout our life. New media allows the masses to redefine what is creative and what is deemed valuable, and therefore worthy of continued circulation, discussion, and distribution.

New media definitely fosters creativity, because there is much less restrictions and limitations in the virtual world compare to the reality, people are more likely to express what they want to express and creatively design what they want.

Social networks such as Facebook, advocating users to DIY their own pages. The new Facebook feature, Timeline, is definitely one of the tools giving people the chance to express their creativity. .  And just like it’s mentioned in the article, Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER. Twitter is also one of the websites that help to advocate new ideas and creativity. Games like Second Life, giving people another dimension of life which they can most likely make their dream to come true.

I believe internet just provide us an space without boundary for put our creativities into “reality”.

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Virtual World

To me, virtual world of the Virtual World has two meanings which are  the narrow and broad levels. the virtual world of narrow, parallel artificial intelligence, computer graphics, human-computer interface technology, sensor technology and a high degree of real-time computing the integration of technology, together generated by an interactive artificial reality which can simulate the reality.  In broad virtual world includes not only the narrow contents of the virtual world, but also refers to as the development of computer network technology and the corresponding human network action which creates another way to share knowledge, ideas and emotions, as well as the new economic model and the social and cultural living space,

a lot of people say by using the virtual world, they feel like their world is getting smaller and smaller which makes them feel good. but at the same time, virtual world is problematical because it’s not physically exists and some people feel that their world is becoming isolated because of the use of virtual world. just like it is mentioned in article IBM’s Virtual World for its Employees: IBM Learning Programs Get a ‘Second Life’ by Ed Frauenheim Workforce Management,  and  TOYS WITH A SECOND LIFE; Can Ganz’s Webkinz–plush animals with online alter egos–stay ahead of the copycats? by Brian Hindo, virtual life is becoming closer and closer to reality. because it’s not limited to the possibility, therefore, everything is possible in this world. and Second Life is definitely one of the best example.

every one in this world are not covered and limited by their physical abilities they can express themselves the way they like and creating what they can’t create in real life is also one of the most popular reason why people likes virtual life.

I believe there will two worlds is too much for us. in future, these two worlds with a lot of similarities and differences will merge into a brand new world.

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Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and Linkedin

Facebook allows you to set up a profile, and post updates, links, conversations, events, photos, videos, petitions, or even collect donations online. Users who choose to “like” your organization see updates without needing to navigate to your page, and can get involved in discussions with other supporters. It’s particularly good at increasing the level of feedback and discussion you have with supporters, driving traffic to your website, and attracting people to specific events.

Twitter lets you send out a stream of short messages so that updates about what you’re doing, or links to resources of interest. People can choose to “follow” your tweets in Facebook now, it has similar function which will follow someone by “subscribe” to that person, and if they particularly like one they can “retweet” it.

In LinkedIn, Each person sets up a  profile which is similar to a resume, and can then link to other people that they know.  LinkedIn is mostly for professionals who want to maintain and develop their professional networks in terms of jobs but Facebook and Twitter are mostly for daily interaction.

So what about MySpace?  To me, I know really use MySpace because it’s not popular any more. I know it is similar to Facebook.  however, Facebook has seen a huge boom in popularity, and MySpace a substantial decline. and it looks like a blog more!

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I’m new to Twitter, but I like it better than Blackboard discussion.

To me, Twitter seems to be much more interesting because it’s more interactive than Blackboard. we can post more on Twitter, such as pictures, which obviously will be more helpful in terms of discussion. and people who in my network will easily locate my posts.

Compare to in-class discussion, Twitter is less active because in-class discussion happens in real time and face to face setting. in Twitter we have to face some limitations such as loss of internet connection. but Twitter will be better because sometimes, it’s easier to gather all the information we need to discuss and we are not limited to the time and location. we can discuss almost anywhere and anytime we want.

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